Which PDF files does FormVu support?
PDF Files with AcroForm or XFA Forms ✔
FormVu is a solution that makes PDF AcroForm and XFA forms usable in the web browser. Allows the gathering and submission of PDF Form data online, with data either being saved back into the PDF or submitted to a server for processing.
FormVu is perfect if you need a flexible solution to collect form data online from a variety of devices.
PDF Files without AcroForms or XFA Forms ✖
FormVu cannot convert files without any form elements. However, we do have another solution called BuildVu for displaying PDF and Office documents seamlessly in the web browser. BuildVu allows any PDF file to be converted into HTML5 for viewing, but this static content does not allow forms to be filled in.
BuildVu is perfect if you need to embed your content into a website or make your content readily available for clients to view online.