
2022.03 Release Notes

Release date: 8th March 2022

Next release: 19th April 2022


[HTML-3407] Prepared FormVu trial JAR for wider availability. Though not immediate, after this release, the FormVu JAR will be made available when signing up & will be available on our new Maven repository

[HTML-3582] Added settings to control the dimensions of thumbnails. org.jpedal.pdf2html.thumbnailMaxWidth and org.jpedal.pdf2html.thumbnailMaxHeight. More details can be found at the Javadoc

[HTML-3575] We have overhauled the content inside the search.json file to ensure it aligns with the content in the HTML/SVG. There are two minor exceptions which are documented inside our new API documentation of the search.json file. Notably, a data-mappings attribute is now added to the HTML/SVG where the content of the search.json differs from the DOM content.

[HTML-3594] Tidied SVG output by preventing empty groups and unnecessary new lines being included in the SVG output


[HTML-3593] Fixed an issue where FormVu does not correctly decode files when run as a Java module, leading to incomplete output being generated

[HTML-3585] Renamed FDF references to AcroForm (AF). Our team found that our terminology had been loose when referring to the interactive form files. As such we have renamed many references from FDF to AcroForm. Notable impacts are

  • The setting enableFDFJavaScript has been renamed to enableAcroFormJS
  • The JavaScript file FormvuFDF.js has been renamed to formvuacroform.js
  • The value of the FDFXFA_FormType div has been changed from FDF to AcroForm
  • app.isFDF has been changed to app.isAcroForm

[HTML-3598] Updated FormVu module name to match our naming convention/documentation. Changed from build.formvu to com.idrsolutions.formvu

[HTML-3588] Implemented reconstruction of broken HMTX tables when converting TrueType fonts which fixes incorrect font appearance in a customer file

[HTML-3589] Fixed a RuntimeException encountered when a Link annotation erroneously uses an empty Dest value which prevented all output in the file

[HTML-3602] Improved Javadoc descriptions for various public Classes and Methods

[HTML-3601] Fixed an issue with incorrect font display when running from module path by migrating the package of fallback font resources

[HTML-3596] Removed useLegacyDivTags setting. This was a temporary setting that was included for customers who were not able to immediately adopt the span tag change in 2021.06.

[CORE-3853] Fixed an exception when reading a /Name entry with unexpected format in a customer PDF file, which prevented the file from successfully converting

Upcoming Microservice Improvements:

Later this week we will be releasing a number of improvements to our open source microservice which include:

  • Added support for storing conversion state in an external database
  • Expanded the range of supported filenames to include those with characters outside the ASCII range (this prevents affected characters being replaced with underscores)
  • Added remote cloud storage support (AWS, Azure, Digital Ocean, GCP, & Oracle) for zip output
  • Added an optional feature to automate the removal of converted documents instead of relying on an external scheduled task
  • Added support for configuring the microservice using a properties file