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Remote Tracker Port

Table of contents

  1. What is its function
  2. How to set this value
  3. Default Value
  4. How to use with Docker

What is its function

This option allows you to set the port number that will be used by the functionality that tracks the progress of active conversions. If the port cannot be bound then the progress information of active conversions will be unavailable. This function is controlled by 1 config property.

  1. remoteTracker.port - The port number to be used by the progress tracker

How to set this value

Create the following Java properties file on the server running your app server (if you don’t already have one) {user.home}/.idr/formvu-microservice/

In this file add (or update if the key already exists) the following key and value pair.

  1. remoteTracker.port - This should be a value between 1024 and 49151. The port must not already be in use and the process must have adequate permissions to bind the port. e.g remoteTracker.port=1099

Default Value

When no values are provided or invalid values are provided the following default values are used.

  1. remoteTracker.port=1099

How to use with Docker

In order to provide your own properties file to the Docker image you need to mount the properties file to the image. This is done by adding the following to your docker run command.

--mount "source=/path/to/properties/directory/,target=/root/.idr/formvu-microservice/,type=bind"

What's included in your FormVu trial?

  • Access to download the SDK and run it locally.
  • Access to the cloud trial to convert documents in the IDR cloud.
  • Access to the Docker image to set up your own trial server in the cloud.
  • Communicate with IDR developers to ask questions & get expert advice.
  • Plenty of time to experiment and build a proof of concept.
  • Over 100 articles to help you get started and learn about FormVu.
  • An exceptional PDF Form to HTML converter that took over 20 years to build!

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