
Which Java versions does FormVu support?

Compatible Versions

FormVu is compatible with Java 8 and later versions of the language.

The minimum compatible version will be Java 8 until October 2024, when it will be raised to Java 17. We will review the Java version again in October 2024 and will confirm our plans for October 2025 at that time.

FormVu is a multi-release jar. It will run on Java 8 without module path and also supports the module path available in Java 11 and later.

A note about OpenJDK 8:

Whilst we support Java 8, due to bugs in the OpenJDK 8 JVM implementation, running FormVu with OpenJDK 8 can cause lower-quality rendering, missing image content, higher memory usage, and potentially JVM crashes.

If you are currently running FormVu using OpenJDK 8 we strongly recommend you update to at least OpenJDK 11 or use an alternative JDK provider.

Supported Versions

We offer support for running FormVu on Java 8, Java 11, Java 17, Java 21, and the latest Java version.

This policy will be reviewed in October 2024. We will give at least 12 months notice of any changes in our Java version support.