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JVM Flags

JDeli includes a number of flags which can be added to the java command line to alter the way it operates. These are listed in the tables below. The values are all lower case. For example, the command:

java -DDECODE_4_COMPONENTS_AS_ARGB=true --module-path . --add-modules com.idrsolutions.jdeli com.idrsolutions.image.CommandLine --convert $brokenJPEG.jpg $fixedJPG.jpg

It fixes the jpeg image which contains ARGB data. You can also set the values using System.setProperties() in Java, but you must do this before accessing JDeli.

General JVM flags in JDeli

  1. decode_4_components_as_argb
  2. verbose
  3. overwrite
  4. image.tiff.compression
  5. image.tiff.dpi


This flag is used in JDeli to process broken JPEG which contains ARGB data. You can add this flag programmatically using the JDeli read method with the custom parameters in a hashmap

Accepted Values

  • true
  • false



Usually, JDeli doesn’t show any status messages but setting the verbose property to true will also print the status messages.

Accepted Values

  • true
  • false



Generally, JDeli generates an output file with a new name but setting the overwrite property to true will overwrite the input file.

Accepted Values

  • true
  • false



You can provide the compression you’d like to be applied to the image when written out as TIFF. See TiffCompressionFormat for more info.

Accepted Values

  • deflate
  • deflate_better_compression
  • deflate_better_speed
  • jpeg
  • lzw
  • none



You can provide the DPI to set for the image when written out as TIFF.

Accepted Values
Any positive number

Not set

Why JDeli?

  • Support image formats such as AVIF, HEIC and JPEG XL (AVIF soon) that are not supported in Java.
  • Process images up to 3x faster than ImageIO and alternative Java image libraries.
  • Prevent JVM crashes caused by native code in other image libraries such as ImageIO.
  • Handle JPEG, PNG, TIFF image file formats fully in Java.
  • Keep your Image files secure as JDeli makes no calls to any external system or third party library.

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