
Resize to Width

What does it do?

The resize to Width operation will rescale the image so that it is a set number of pixels wide.

Resize a BufferedImage in Java

ImageProcessingOperations operations = new ImageProcessingOperations();

// You can chain several operations here such as scale, blur, etc
operations.resizeToWidth(100); // make image 100 pixels wide
// Apply the operations to a BufferedImage
BufferedImage modifiedImage = operations.apply(BufferedImage originalImage);

View Javadoc for the resize to width operation

Additional Code Examples

Process and convert between image formats using the following code examples:

Using File

File inputFile = new File("path/to/file");
File outputFile = new File("path/to/output-resizedToWidth-file");
JDeli.convert(inputFile, outputFile, operations);

Using InputStream and OutputSteam

final InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(inputFile);
final OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);
final String outputFormat = "format"; // format of the output file eg. png, jpeg,...;
JDeli.convert(inputStream, outputStream, outputFormat, operations);

Using byte[]

byte[] inputData = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("/path/to/file"));
final String outputFormat = "format"; // format of the output file eg. png, jpeg,...;
byte[] outputData = JDeli.convert(inputData, outputFormat, operations);

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