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Java BMP Reader

The JDeli Java image library includes a BMP Reader to read BMP images into Java. The BMP Decoder is written in 100% Java and provides BMP support with no dependencies.

Key information:

  • 100% Java solution. No dlls or dependencies on native code
  • Supports Bilevel, Grayscale and RGB images

Quick start:

JDeli can automatically detect the file type and will use the BMP File Reader

BufferedImage image =;


BmpDecoder decoder = new BmpDecoder();
BufferedImage image =;

See the full Javadoc.

Performance comparisons:

These figures were generated using jmh (as documented on our blog) with a standard set of images (also documented). They should be easy to replicate if you wish to validate, the code is on GitHub.

The higher the number, the better.

Mode: Throughput Count: 25 Units: ops/s

Benchmark Score Error
ImageIO 56.383 ± 0.373
JDeli 171.242 ± 0.124

Tested on 2020 13inch M1 MacBook Pro using JDK

Why JDeli?

  • Support image formats such as AVIF, HEIC and JPEG XL (AVIF soon) that are not supported in Java.
  • Process images up to 3x faster than ImageIO and alternative Java image libraries.
  • Prevent JVM crashes caused by native code in other image libraries such as ImageIO.
  • Handle JPEG, PNG, TIFF image file formats fully in Java.
  • Keep your Image files secure as JDeli makes no calls to any external system or third party library.

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