
Java GIF Reader

JDeli includes a GIF Reader to read GIF images into Java. The GIF Decoder is written in 100% Java with no dependencies.

Key information:

  • 100% Java solution. No dlls or dependencies on native code
  • supports gif spec 87a and 89a

Quick start:

JDeli can automatically detect the file type and will use the GIF File Reader

BufferedImage image =;


GifDecoder decoder = new GifDecoder();
BufferedImage image =;

See the full Javadoc.

Performance comparisons:

These figures were generated using jmh (as documented on our blog) with a standard set of images (also documented). They should be easy to replicate if you wish to validate, the code is on GitHub.

The higher the number, the better.

Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
Apache throughput 25 4.380 ± 0.011 ops/s
ImageIO throughput 25 1.652 ± 0.011 ops/s
JDeli throughput 25 5.357 ± 0.140 ops/s

Tested on 2020 13inch M1 MacBook Pro using JDK

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