Java JPEG Writer
The JDeli Java image library includes a JPEG Writer to write JPEG files in Java. The JPEG Encoder is written in 100% Java and provides JPEG support with no dependencies.
Key information:
- 100% Java solution. No dlls or dependencies on native code
- Fast and easy to use
- Supports quality settings
Quick start or to replace in existing code using ImageIO:
JDeli.write(myBufferedImage, "jpg", outputStreamOrFile);
byte[] outputData = JDeli.write(myBufferedImage, "jpg");
New method for quick and simple usage
JDeli.write(myBufferedImage, OutputFormat.JPEG, outputStreamOrFile)
OutputFormat allows setting of any supported Image Format
For complete control of output:
final JpegEncoderOptions options = new JpegEncoderOptions();
//set any options in options instance - examples below
//write out
JDeli.write(myBufferedImage, options, outputStreamOrFile);
JpegEncoderOptions allows setting of specific options.
Various image processing operations can be conducted on the image, detailed documentation can be found here.
Performance comparisons:
These figures were generated using jmh (as documented on our blog) with a standard set of images (also documented). They should be easy to replicate if you wish to validate, the code is on GitHub.
The higher the number, the better.
Mode: Throughput Count: 25 Units: ops/s
Benchmark | Score | Error |
ImageIO | 63.441 | ± 1.793 |
JDeli | 116.734 | ± 5.112 |
JDeli_Quality_100 | 50.637 | ± 2.592 |
JDeli_Quality_50 | 127.940 | ± 4.790 |
Output files | File size AVG |
Reference | 139.8KB |
ImageIO | 18.4KB |
JDeli | 18.2KB |
JDeli Quality 100 | 18.3KB |
JDeli Quality 50 | 12.8KB |
Tested on 2020 13inch M1 MacBook Pro using JDK