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Conversion Memory Limit

Table of contents

  1. What is its function
  2. How to set this value
  3. Default Value
  4. How to use with Docker

What is its function

This option allows you to specify the maximum memory of each conversion thread. When setting this you should consider the amount of RAM available, and how this will be divided between the number of concurrent conversions. This function is controlled by 1 config property.

  1. conversionMemoryLimit - The maximum memory (in MB) of each conversion thread

How to set this value

Create the following Java properties file on the server running your app server (if you don’t already have one) {user.home}/.idr/jpedal-microservice/

In this file add (or update if the key already exists) the following key and value pair.

  1. conversionMemoryLimit - This can be a value between 1 and 2,147,483,647 although a sensible range would be somewhere between 256 and 4096, depending on the content of the documents being converted. e.g conversionMemoryLimit=1024

Default Value

The default value is 1024 (MB). When no values are provided or invalid values are provided the default Java value will be used, which will depend on the distribution of Java you are using.

How to use with Docker

In order to provide your own properties file to the Docker image you need to mount the properties file to the image. This is done by adding the following to your docker run command.

--mount "source=/path/to/properties/directory/,target=/root/.idr/jpedal-microservice/,type=bind"

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