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Using an external jar for encrypted PDF files

We now have our own functionality to decrypt encrypted PDFs, but if you wanted to specify a certain provider then you can still do so using -D'org.jpedal.securityprovider'.

This has only been tested with BouncyCastle and may not work with other providers.

If the provider requires an additional jar then make sure that is added to the modulepath when running JPedal e.g. :

java -D'org.jpedal.securityprovider'="org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider" --module-path . --add-modules "com.idrsolutions.jpedal,org.bouncycastle.provider,org.bouncycastle.mail" org.jpedal.examples.viewer.Viewer

We recommend modules, but you can still use the classpath if you want to.

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  • Process PDF files up to 3x faster than alternative Java PDF libraries.
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