JPedal provides several methods to allow easy page extraction from PDF files.
These tools will allow you to create a copy of the PDF with only the content from the specified pages. The original file is left untouched by this process unless you overwrite it with the output.
Extract a single Page from PDF with the Command-Line or another language
java -cp jpedal.jar inputFile outputFile pageToExtract
Extract Pages from PDF in Java
Static Convenience Methods
When extracting a page range you can use the SetOfIntegerSyntax
to define multiple ranges to extract into the output file.
//Extract all pages between rangeStart and rangeEnd inclusive
PdfPageExtraction.extractPageRange(new File("inputFile.pdf"), new File("outputFile.pdf"), rangeStart, rangeEnd);
//Extract all pages defined by the page range string using the SetOfIntegerSyntax
PdfPageExtraction.extractPageRange(new File("inputFile.pdf"), new File("outputFile.pdf"), stringPageRange);
//Extract a single page
PdfPageExtraction.extractSinglePage(new File("inputFile.pdf"), new File("outputFile.pdf"), singlePageNumber);