
How to setup in Maven

JPedal is a Java PDF library that allows developers to view, print, rasterize and extract content from PDF files in their own Java applications.

This tutorial shows how to set up a Maven project using the JPedal jar for development.

Please note: A trial or full copy of the JPedal jar is needed. You can download the trial jar from here or find out how to purchase a license here.

Step 1 - Setup Maven repo and add JPedal code examples

Create the following directory structure:


Get the example file that we have up on GitHub.



  • Click “Code” -> “Download ZIP” and extract the file


Copy into the src/main/java folder


Create a new file called pom.xml and copy the following contents into it.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""



Step 2 - Install JPedal jar (trial or full version)

This tutorial assumes that the JPedal jar file is named "jpedal.jar", if you're using the trial jar, make sure to rename the file to "jpedal.jar" before following this step.

Find your copy of the JPedal jar file and move the jar into the lib directory.


Open the command line in the lib directory and run the following command

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=jpedal.jar -DgroupId=com.idrsolutions -Dpackaging=jar -DartifactId=jpedal -Dversion=1.0

Once done, the dependency can be added to your project. This is already done for the example pom but can be achieved with the <dependency> tag.

Step 3 - Run in Preferred IDE

Open your preferred Java IDE

Select Open project:


  • IntelliJ IDEA (Open)
  • Eclipse (Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven Projects)
  • NetBeans (Open Project)

Select the project folder


Step 4 - Start coding

Uncomment the action that you want to try out from the examples

public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
//        pdfViewer();
//        extractWords();
//        extractImages();
    } catch (final Exception e) {

Change the parameters of the action to point to the correct input/output

public static void pdfToImage() throws PdfException {
            "/path/to/output/", "png", 1.33f);

Click the run button.

Want to add more to your project?

Check out the following tutorials for more information to see what JPedal can do for you: