Included Fonts
Specify the font types to generate. We recommend using WOFF due to its smaller file size and excellent browser compatibility, unless you have a specific need for OTF. Generated fonts are shared by all pages in the document.
Additionally, you can use Base64 variants of the fonts (e.g., woff_base64 or otf_base64) to embed the font directly within the HTML/SVG without relying on external files.
Note: Base64 variants embed a copy of the font directly into each page that uses it, which can significantly increase the output file size. Furthermore, generated Base64 fonts include only the necessary mappings for the current page which means there will be a larger number of unique fonts generated for the document compared to non-base64 variants.
Expected values: Any comma separated list containing:
Default: woff
Usage Examples
Command Line
{ "org.jpedal.pdf2html.includedFonts": "woff_base64" }
conversionOptions.setIncludedFonts(new ConversionOptions.Font[]{ConversionOptions.Font.WOFF_BASE64});