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Pixels Per Inch

Set the internal resolution which determines the page size at 100% zoom/scaling.

The default size of a unit in the PDF coordinate system is 1/ 72 inch (72 units per inch). However, the majority of PDF readers display PDF files at either 96 or 110 PPI (pixels per inch). This means that at 100% zoom/scaling, most PDF Readers actually apply an internal scaling of ~1.33 (110/ 96) or ~1.528 (110/ 72).

BuildVu uses the same technique by using a default resolution of 110 PPI, which is why the pixel values in the output produced are approximately 1.5x the units defined within the PDF file.

This configuration option can be used to modify the resolution, for example using a value of 72 would mean the pixel values align with the units defined within the PDF file.

Note: Other settings (such as scaling, maxPageWidth and maxPageHeight) also affect the size of the converted document.

Note: This setting should not be thought of as affecting pixel density. Instead, it determines the page size at default zoom/scaling.

Expected values:

  • Any positive integer value, although in practice a value such as 72, 96 or 110 would be typical.

Default: 110

Since: 2024.08

Usage Examples

Command Line



{ "org.jpedal.pdf2html.pixelsPerInch": 72 }



What's included in your BuildVu trial?

  • Access to download the SDK and run it locally.
  • Access to the cloud trial to convert documents in the IDR cloud.
  • Access to the Docker image to set up your own trial server in the cloud.
  • Communicate with IDR developers to ask questions & get expert advice.
  • Plenty of time to experiment and build a proof of concept.
  • Over 100 articles to help you get started and learn about BuildVu.
  • An exceptional PDF to HTML converter that took over 20 years to build!

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