November 2018 Release Notes
Release date: 6th November 2018
Next release: 4th December 2018
[HTML-3154] - Switch to JDeli for writing out JPEG images in BuildVu
Improves color accuracy and provides sharper reds/blacks with minimal change in file size and writing performance
[HTML-3190] - Tidy up IDRViewer zoom code
Improves calculation of named zoom values when zooming in and out (code is now simpler and has better performance)
[HTML-3193] - Inaccurate text appearance caused by browser not loading font
Adjusted font handling so that browser will load the font
[CORE-3265] - Corrupt compressed ref table results in image being ignored
[HTML-3172] - Shade is not appearing
Fixes shade not appearing when no shape is provided
[HTML-3181] - Account for any Italic setting in CFF Font Dictionary in ShapeText mode
Fixes text not correctly appearing italicised
[HTML-3164] - Text positioning of some characters is incorrect
Fixes rounding issue which inadvertently caused a positive gap to be interpreted as a negative one