Tiff Converter
The JDeli Java image conversion library is able to open and export images as TIFF files, giving a complete bulk TIFF converter between TIFF file format and lots of other image file formats.
JDeli can do this in ONE step with the convert method or separately open and export the TIFF image.
Batch Convert images to TIFF from Command Line or other language
java -jar jdeli.jar --convert tiff "inputFileOrDir" "outputDir"
You can also add JVM flags for more control over the output. See more on our JVM flags page.
Convert into TIFF or from a TIFF image file in Java
JDeli.convert(File inFile, File outFile);
JDeli.convert(InputStream inFile, OutputStream outfile, String format);
byte[] outputData=JDeli.convert(byte[] inputData, String format);
An additional set of methods allow values to be passed in which can give more control over conversion, depending on the image formats being converted (ie different image compression options).