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Deploy JPedal on Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Table of contents

  1. Download or Build the WAR file
    1. Download the WAR file
    2. Building the WAR file
  2. Getting Started
  3. Enabling HTTPS
  4. Wrapping up
  5. Running JPedal from different language clients

The easiest way to run a JPedal on AWS is to run our Docker image in a container on an Elastic Container Service (ECS) cluster.

Download or Build the WAR file

Before getting started you need the WAR file which you can either download or build yourself.
This WAR file is required for the JPedal service to work.

Download the WAR file

Download the jpedal-microservice.war file.

Trial users can find the war download in the Docker section after trial signup.

Building the WAR file

Build a copy of our JPedal Microservice Example project.
Instructions can be found on the GitHub page.

Getting Started

Head over to and log in.
Open the ‘All Services’ section and click on EC2(Elastic Compute Cloud). AWS Management Console

You need to ensure you have a key pair to be able to SSH into your instance.
Click on ‘key pairs’: EC2 console

Click on ‘Create key pair’, give it a name and select pem as the file format: create key pair

Now go to the services tab and click on Elastic Container Service(ECS) under ‘Containers’: services panel

On the ‘Clusters’ page click ‘Create Cluster’. This lets you load your own EC2(Elastic Compute Cloud) that you can ssh into: clusters tab

Choose ‘EC2 Linux + Networking’: select cluster template

Enter the name you’d like to give your Cluster, select the instance type you want to use for your container instance (this will depend on the amount of resources you require).
Select the key pair you created earlier, then scroll down and click create: cluster configuration

Once it has loaded, click ‘View Cluster’ then go to the ‘ECS Instances’ tab.
Click on the ECs Instance ID ( it may take a moment to show): clusters tab

Click on the ‘Instance ID’: Instance tab

Go to the ‘Security’ tab and click on the ‘Security groups’ id. security tab

Click on ‘Edit inbound rules’. inbound rules tab

Click ‘Add rule’ and enter as show below then click ‘save rules’: edit inbound rules

Go back to your EC2 instance, click on ‘Connect’ then go to the ‘SSH client’ tab and copy the public DNS: connect to instance

Open a terminal and copy in this code, replacing with your information(the default username here is ‘ec2-user’, unless the AMI Owner has changed it):

scp -i <path/to/key.pem> path/to/war/jpedal-microservice.war ec2-user@<YourPublicDNS>:~

SSH into the instance:

 ssh -i <path/to/key.pem> ec2-user@<YourPublicDNS>

Once in, run the docker image:

docker run -p 80:80 --mount "source=/home/ec2-user/jpedal-microservice.war,target=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT.war,type=bind" idrsolutions/jpedal

Now go to your ECS and click on the ‘ECS instances’ tab and click on the ‘Container Instance’ id and copy your public ip address Container Instance

Enabling HTTPS

To enable HTTPS, you need to open up the HTTPS port in the firewall, then you need a valid SSL certificate and key mounted at /opt/ssl in the virtual machine. Go to your EC2 instance and Go to the ‘Security’ tab and click on the ‘Security groups’ id. security tab

On this page click the “Edit inbound rules” button. edit inbound rules

Next use your terminal to upload the required SSL certificates. First you need to connect to the instance (as detailed above). Once connected create the directory /opt/ssl.

mkdir /opt/ssl

Next upload the SSL certificates to this directory.

scp -i <path/to/key.pem> <path/to/certificate.crt> ec2-user@<YourPublicDNS>:/opt/ssl/certificate.crt
scp -i <path/to/key.pem> <path/to/private.key> ec2-user@<YourPublicDNS>:/opt/ssl/private.key
scp -i <path/to/key.pem> <path/to/ca_bundle.crt> ec2-user@<YourPublicDNS>:/opt/ssl/ca_bundle.crt

Now the virtual machine will allow HTTPS connections through you need to start docker with the port as well.

docker run -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --mount "source=/local/path/to/ssl/directory,target=/opt/ssl,type=bind,readonly" --mount "source=/home/ec2-user/jpedal-microservice.war,target=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT.war,type=bind" idrsolutions/jpedal

In order to add additional features such as authentication, multiple users, or access to the converted files without the API you can find further details on our docker image page.

Wrapping up

If you no longer need your cluster, hit the ‘Delete Cluster’ button, so you stop getting billed for it: Delete Cluster

Running JPedal from different language clients

Now that you have the docker server running you can follow the tutorials for using the API to begin your conversions.

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  • Actively developed commercial library with full support and no third party dependencies.
  • Process PDF files up to 3x faster than alternative Java PDF libraries.
  • Simple licensing options and source code access for OEM users.

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