Real Page Range
Set a page range using real page numbering. This setting treats the document as if it contains every page, however only the pages defined in the range will be converted.
For example, a 7-page document with the page range “2,4,6” will generate 2.html, 4.html and 6.html, and other assets will behave as if pages 1, 3, 5 also 7 exist.
Important: Some assets such as config.js/properties.json/annotations.json/search.json/index.html may not be compatible with this setting.
See also: logicalPageRange
Expected values:
- Comma separated values including ranges. E.g.
Default: all pages, e.g. "1-39"
Usage Examples
Command Line
{ "org.jpedal.pdf2html.realPageRange": "1,3,5-8,10" }
conversionOptions.setRealPageRange(new PageRanges("1,3,5-8,10"));