
JDeli performance comparison

Below are all the performances comparisons we have done so far (as of 2nd May 2024). We will regularly update and add new results.

How we tested

These figures were generated using jmh (as documented on our blog) with a standard set of images (also documented). They should be easy to replicate if you wish to validate, the code is on GitHub.

Your figures may vary depending on system but the overall results should be comparable.



Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
ImageIO throughput 25 56.383 ± 0.373 ops/s
JDeli throughput 25 171.242 ± 0.124 ops/s

See BMP reader



Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
Apache throughput 25 4.380 ± 0.011 ops/s
ImageIO throughput 25 1.652 ± 0.011 ops/s
JDeli throughput 25 5.357 ± 0.140 ops/s

See GIF reader



Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
ImageIO throughput 25 63.441 ± 1.793 ops/s
JDeli throughput 25 116.734 ± 5.112 ops/s
JDeli_Quality_100 throughput 25 50.637 ± 2.592 ops/s
JDeli_Quality_50 throughput 25 127.940 ± 4.790 ops/s
Output files File size AVG
Reference 139.8KB
ImageIO 18.4KB
JDeli 18.2KB
JDeli Quality 100 18.3KB
JDeli Quality 50 12.8KB

See JPEG writer

JPEG 2000


Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
ImageIOWithJAI throughput 25 48.971 ± 0.098 ops/s
JDeli throughput 25 123.793 ± 0.135 ops/s

See JPEG 2000 reader


Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
ImageIO throughput 25 3.743 ± 0.093 ops/s
JDeli_JP2 throughput 25 4.243 ± 0.305 ops/s
JDeli_JPX throughput 25 4.401 ± 0.087 ops/s
Output files File size AVG
Reference 179.8KB
ImageIO 156.4KB
JDeli JP2 85.6KB
JDeli JPX 121KB

See JPEG 2000 writer



Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
Apache throughput 25 52.299 ± 0.837 ops/s
ImageIO throughput 25 9.398 ± 0.409 ops/s
JDeli throughput 25 83.952 ± 3.421 ops/s

See PNG reader


Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
Apache throughput 25 8.152 ± 0.235 ops/s
ImageIO throughput 25 10.993 ± 0.544 ops/s
JDeli_quantised throughput 25 2.938 ± 0.370 ops/s
JDeli_fast throughput 25 32.083 ± 2.395 ops/s
JDeli_compressed throughput 25 5.229 ± 0.636 ops/s
JDeli_uncompressed throughput 25 33.386 ± 1.962 ops/s
Output files File size AVG
Reference files 179.8KB
Apache 185KB
ImageIO 189KB
JDeli_compressed 183.4KB
JDeli_fast 189.2KB
JDeli_quantised 63.8KB
JDeli_uncompressed 189.2KB

See PNG writer



Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
Apache throughput 25 6.601 ± 0.119 ops/s
ImageIO throughput 25 7.976 ± 0.140 ops/s
JDeli throughput 25 11.298 ± 0.363 ops/s

See TIFF reader


Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
Apache throughput 25 2.109 ± 0.060 ops/s
ImageIO throughput 25 18.693 ± 0.254 ops/s
JDeli_better_comp throughput 25 6.811 ± 0.081 ops/s
JDeli_better_speed throughput 25 38.698 ± 0.505 ops/s
JDeli_deflate throughput 25 15.225 ± 0.210 ops/s
JDeli_jpeg throughput 25 44.018 ± 0.770 ops/s
JDeli_LZW throughput 25 22.079 ± 0.152 ops/s
JDeli_uncompressed throughput 25 348.990 ± 16.928 ops/s
Output files File size AVG
Reference PNG 179.8KB
Apache 232KB
ImageIO 1.267MB
JDeli better comp 182.8KB
JDeli better speed 378KB
JDeli deflate 184KB
JDeli jpeg 36.2KB
JDeli lzw 247.6KB
JDeli uncompressed 1.267MB

See TIFF writer



Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
ImageIO throughput 25 217.441 ± 14.804 ops/s
JDeli throughput 25 200.908 ± 11.554 ops/s
JDeli_lossless throughput 25 287.432 ± 23.937 ops/s
Output files File size AVG
Reference files 470.33 bytes
ImageIO 231.33 bytes
JDeli lossy 362.67 bytes
JDeli lossless 377.69 bytes

See WEBP writer

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